
This is by far one of the recipes I am asked for most often.  I never thought about having a "recipe" for guac...just throw in what you like!  But after a few not so great tasting bowls, I realized although you can customize it and make it your own, it's great to have a baseline to follow. So I give you that baseline! Now all you need are some chips and friends.... Or just the chips!

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Blender Salsa

Raise your hand if you are the person at a Mexican restaurant that is full before your meal comes out.  My hand is definitely raised!  I love chips and salsa..( and guacamole for that matter). The salsa that comes to the table is so much better than salsa that was sitting on the shelf at the grocery store, no one can deny it.  I easily eat a serving by myself.  Well people I have news for you!  You can make it, and it's so simple.  

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